December 2021

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FP McCann’s StormHoldTM pipe tank offers the ideal stormwater attenuation solution for housing development in Farnley, Leeds

When faced with the challenge of installing a stormwater attenuation system strong enough to sustain variable traffic loads, and durable enough to serve over the lifetime of the housing development it serves, HH Construction had no illusions about the best attenuation system for the job...

Five facts that make the carbon footprint of concrete attenuation tanks lower than Geocellular alternatives

Last month, we published a factsheet explaining the findings of a carbon assessment we carried out to compare the whole life carbon emissions of attenuation tanks made of concrete pipes compared to an equivalent tank made of polypropylene Geocellular crates. The result may come as a surprise to some who may have expected that a lighter system is likely to have a lower carbon footprint. But whole life carbon assessments look at a very wide range of product characteristics and requirements...

Adopting Concrete Drainage Reduces Whole Life Carbon

BPDA has published the results of a comparison study into the whole life carbon impact of concrete and equivalent plastic pipes, highlighting that concrete is the low carbon choice...

Click here to view the previous newsletter

20 Reasons To Use Concrete

BPDA currently offers industry professionals the choice of four accredited CPD presentations. All the presentations can be offered as a free seminar at your local office or at a suitable location. CPD certificates are available to all attendees.

To find out more and to book a seminar click here.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We want to let you know that we have updated our Privacy Policy. It tells you how we collect and use your data, how we store it and how we keep it safe.


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