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Inside Stanton Precast Green Revolution

Like many other British precast concrete manufacturers, Stanton Precast has a long-standing ambition to become a low carbon product manufacturer and help the concrete sector reach Net Zero by 2050. Over the last few years, the company has introduced a wide range of measures to address carbon and reduce energy consumption and raw material use. This short case study offers a glimpse into the company’s own Green Revolution...

Concrete pipe standard BS 5911-1 (2021): A standard for a new age

The new British standard for concrete pipes, BS 5911-1, offers further type testing requirements and cement mix options to improve pipe performance in a world shaped by fatbergs, Net Zero Carbon, and infrastructures durability challenges...

Assessing the carbon footprint and whole life GHG impacts of different underground attenuation tanks

The new sewers adoption code, which came into force in April 2020, is likely to trigger an increase in the use of stormwater attenuation tanks and other SuDS solutions...

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20 Reasons To Use Concrete

BPDA currently offers industry professionals the choice of four accredited CPD presentations. All the presentations can be offered as a free seminar at your local office or at a suitable location. CPD certificates are available to all attendees.

To find out more and to book a seminar click here.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We want to let you know that we have updated our Privacy Policy. It tells you how we collect and use your data, how we store it and how we keep it safe.


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