Online logo generators are all over the web, but are they really worth your time as a business owner? They may appear to be a quick solution, however the outcome will rarely work in the long run compared to using a design agency.
Your company’s branding is crucial to how you are seen within the market place, so having a strong logo and brand style is important as it is what customers will initially recognise you by.
MarkMaker is one of the latest online logo generators to hit the scene, and it is a generator that learns what you like and automatically refines a design based on entering your company’s name and watching as MarkMaker churns out a whole load of different logo designs. These will vary wildly to begin with however once you start to identify which versions you like, MarkMaker will narrow and adapt the designs down to suit where it believes you are leading it to go. This doesn’t mean you’ll find a logo that is right and suitable for your brand, as these can appear very generic
Now this is all well and good, but here in lies the problem: you can only go as far as the generator will allow you. This can mean that you are limiting yourself drastically, restricting your brand before it has even begun. It may work on a business card but what about a sign, website or on your social media channels?
To build a brand, the majority of the time you will need that personal touch. Your brand is personal to you and your business, therefore you will want the best for it, why compromise on quality to cut a few corners and save some pennies?
The Studio 4 has several in-house designers that will work with you to create your perfect logo and brand, making sure that every expectation you have for your business’s identity is met. We provide bespoke branding packages depending on what your company requires from logos and business cards to letterheads and other printed stationery. These can then be rolled out across all media platforms, including responsive websites and social media, making your brand truly recognisable across all mediums.
Head to the branding section on our website to see how we can help you.